Saturday 1 June 2013

#Juneathon Day 1

Today is the start of something new for me. I am taking part in my first ever Juneathon, yay! I've followed the activities of the growing numbers of participant that sign up to these things during the past few years, most recently Janathon earlier this year, and thought why not challenge myself and see if I can do it. So here I am. In June. Taking part in Juneathon

I'm using it as a test to myself more than anything; to prove that I can actually stick to something, two things actually, for a whole month - exercise and blog every day! Keeping active every day, in some form or another for a whole month can't be that hard, can it?! It may sound easy but I have a feeling it won't be. I'm training for a few forthcoming half marathons - Dublin on 5th Aug & Oxford in Oct - so it will be interesting to see what else I can fit in between my training runs without injuring myself - a challenge in itself! And I love to talk. (Boy, do I love to talk) but making sure I blog everyday, with something at least half interesting that people will want to read will be well, a challenge. Good luck everybody!

So, with a long run planned for tomorrow, I thought it best to conserve my energy and not run today but I had to do something; after all, I couldn't fail on the first day. Cue my trusty workout DVD - Ultimate Target with Davina McCall (and Jackie & Mark!). I normally follow the Bootcamp workout once-ish a week (when I remember or have the energy) but gave the Ultimate Fat Burner a go for the first time in about a year. Followed by Summer Shoulders. Followed by Target Abs. Followed by a Stretch & Cooldown. So much for not overdoing it ahead of Sunday's run, whoops! Hot was not the word and a few hundred calories bit the dust. At least I didn't have to worry about being too cautious with my portion size for dinner; you know, I'm fuelling ahead of tomorrow and all that - every cloud! 

And there it is, my first day for Juneathon, completed, blogged & logged. 


  1. Welcome to Juneathon! I'm a fan of home DVDs too, particularly Davina.

  2. Thank you! I know some people frown on them but I'm not a fan of the gym environment and find they suit me. Davina's have been fab and as long as they challenge me, I'll stick with it!

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