Friday 7 June 2013

Day 7 #Juneathon - Up & Down

Day 7 of Juneathon. Still moving & still blogging. Get in!

Fret not though followers, today's entry is slightly more buoyant than yesterdays! 

I will keep it simple (well, I will try to!). Today I had a better day. And today, I got out & ran. And I was so pleased that I got out and ran! After being forced to stay inside all day awaiting a delivery of my new work mobile phone, I was itching to get outside. I had a good, hard word with myself after yesterday's blip and promised myself I would get out and run today, regardless of mileage & time. With this on my mind, a lot of clock watching and hovering by the window ensued for most of the day (and work, obviously! Just in case colleagues are reading this....very busy, ploughing on, trudging through etc, etc) As is standard when waiting in all day, the delivery arrived at 5.30pm and by the time I excitedly opened the packaged, ooh-ed and aah-ed at the lovely colour of it, I finally made it out the door a little after under an hour later. I know, that's a hell of a lot of faffing over a phone, and a work one at that!  

I chose to try and run the 6-odd miler that I've been frequenting for the last few weeks, just to get away from the streets and into the countryside for a bit. Not to be too bothered about time but to try and enjoy the lovely route and villages that it takes me through. But this time, I reversed the route for a bit of variety. It was all good until mile 3 and then it caught my eye, just a little up ahead after crossing the picturesque and idyllic tiny bridge.....the mammoth hill. The hill that I normally re-charge my legs and gather my thoughts on as I am descending it, ready for the next 2-3 miles home. The only thoughts I was gathering this time though was 'how the hell am I gonna get up there without stopping?'. And I almost, really almost, made it all the way. But the legs were burning so, so much that I power walked for about 20 seconds, had a word with myself (again!) and got back to tackling it. Such a relief to reach the summit, knowing that there was only two more tiny inclines to come before I reached home. The ups and downs of the route had somehow energised me and I didn't stop until I got through the front door. 6.6 miles in 1 hour 1 minute. Not too shabby. Pacing still needs work and leaves a lot to be desired, ranging from 8:48 to 9:40 (can you guess which one was the 'hilly' mile?!) but I was so pleased to get out and get some fairly good, quality mileage done before the week is out. 

The ups and downs of this week have just highlighted further to me how much I love running. As well as keeping me fit, keeping the little-over-3 stone I lost last year off, it keeps me sane and let's me switch off for 'normal life' for a bit. I love it! 

Now, I will be AWOL on Saturday as I'm doing the photography for a wedding. Don't get any ideas, David Bailey I am not. Therefore, the best I will be able to do for Juneathon Day 8 is throw some rather, fantastic shapes on the dance floor in the evening. I promise to put a lot of effort in though! And I might add an extra mile to Sunday's long run to compensate. Hangover dependent. 

Have a good Day 8, y'all and I'll see you all on Day 9!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great run, and well done for making it up that hill, burning thighs - not in a good way!
