Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 18 #Juneathon - Working it out

Another day of non-exercise. Boooo. 

Here is a gratuitous picture of my bruised foot - the very reason why I'm currently out of action: 

My bruised foot
It's more painful today but I think it is just things settling down and probably not helped by my hobble to the shops yesterday. Today has therefore been pure rest. On a plus side though, I have stuck to my food diary for the day and I'm pretty chuffed with that. You've got to celebrate these little victories so I shall have some fruit salad & soya yoghurt. Yes, I know, steady on! 

With some (exercise) down time, I've been trying to work out my 'come back' plan. I've been reading a lot of comments via blogs and general Twitter comments with regards to diet and exercise plans, which is always an interesting read. Sometimes, I wholeheartedly agree with some suggestions and other times I am shaking my head at the screen (Tracey Anderson and her 'women shouldn't lift heavy', for instance!) but I love that Twitter is there to impart & share plans, ways, methods, ideas and the like, and you take from it what you want and feel is right for you. 

Obviously, running is a priority for me but I will also be looking to incorporate a good weights programme as well as a better stretching programme into my training schedule. Nothing too drastic though as I don't want to risk injury ahead of my planned races (oh, the irony!) but something to compliment my running. I do also recognise though that running alone will not help me to reduce my body fat which is something I am keen to do. Not to be skinny but to be strong, lean & healthy. I know that these are the 'buzz words' in fitness right now but they fit with a healthy lifestyle and that it something that I want to adopt and maintain. 

The finer detail will follow, as I'm still working it out, but in the meantime, I have a celebratory fruit salad to devour. 

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