Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 30 #Juneathon - Thank you

30 Days of Juneathon. What can I say? It's been fun! Admittedly, not every one of the 30 days has involved some form of activity (that would be like today then!), as planned or as per the essence of Juneathon but nonetheless it's been a blast! I've loved the camaraderie, banter, support, comments and general coming together of like minded people taking part in the fun event. I've loved reading the blog entries of lots of different people who I would likely have never stumbled across on the t'interweb and I did because Juneathon brought us all together (Is that a tear in your eye, dear reader?). I now follow some fabulously-fab & fun people on Twitter and I look forward to taking part in Janathon in, erm, that's right, January! So thank you to Cathy White for putting on Juneathon, as I say, it's been fun. 

And a big thank you to everyone who has read my blog, commented on my blog, retweeted my blog, supported me with tweets of encouragement & general advice or followed me on the back of Juneathon; it really is appreciated and I hope you've enjoyed my random and, often very long-winded & expansive, ramblings. I know I've enjoyed writing them. 

Thanks again. And don't be a stranger :o) 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on making it all the way through! I will be back here regularly to see how you're going!
