Sunday 2 June 2013

Day 2 #Juneathon - Lessons

Day 2 of Juneathon and here I am, still sticking at it. Go me! 

I completed a 9 mile training run this morning and it was hard. Hot, sweaty, ploddy, stop-starty, slow, and not very enjoyable but I made it out and back in one piece. As well as pulling apart my, quite frankly, shoddy mile times (almost 45secs more per mile than I've been doing of late) I also realised I can learn a few things from today's run: 

  • I shouldn't over think the run. Putting too much thought into something when you normally don't, can have an adverse effect. I normally just put my running kit & shoes on, plug in the pod and run. As this was my first fairly long run in a while, and I'm trying to better my PB for my half in August, I downloaded a running track session which is designed to help with pace and run time with mixes by bpm. The tracks were good and the instructions given helpful but I just found that all I could think about was making sure my feet hit the beat and that completely threw everything else out. My breathing went to pieces, the bpm was slower than I normally run (my fault for choosing the wrong one!) making me feel a little awkward and unnatural when running and it just didn't feel right. So after 3 miles, I switched to my normal running playlist and got back on with things. Don't get me wrong. I suddenly didn't increase my pace or float through the run, it was still bloomin' hard going but it made a difference. My focus changed to trying to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the run itself. And it kinda worked. I'll still use the download but more to listen to the fab mixes rather than instructions. I need to just trust my own running style and routine. 
  • The sun is not my (running) friend. There I said it. I'm not a fan of the sun. Don't get me wrong, I love to lounge in it, read a book in it, drink copious amounts of chilled alcohol in it but run in it? It's not for me. I don't appear to cope well with the sun or heat when running, it completely zaps so much energy out of me (I know it does to most people) and I find it really tough going. I also know that the best way to make it my friend is to spend more time running in it and I am still contemplating taking this friendship to the next level. Maybe we'll become acquaintances rather than best friends. Time, and the weather forecast, will tell. 
  • It's OK to stop. As I have been running fairly consistently for about 9 months (and very, very sporadically for several years previously), I still feel conscious about stopping to walk when I'm out running. It's ridiculous really as who is going to judge me? And if they do judge me, why do I care? I know it's not ideal to stop and believe me, it takes quite a lot of battling with myself to actually pull up, but if I have to I will. I gather my thoughts, talk out loud to myself with words of encouragement (we all do it, don't we. Don't we?? Oh lord, is it just me?!) and get back to it. At least I am out and being active. So there. 
  • Be careful post run. I always cool down & stretch after each run, whilst supping my post-run drink of choice - a nice cold glass of milk. I have to admit, sometimes on a gentle run, I don't think it would hurt to miss a little stretch but inevitably, it does. A good cool down & stretch has become second nature after running for me. My note of caution is to do with what comes next; do not sit down on your very comfy, sleep inducing sofa for 'only 5 mins'. These 5 mins will turn into almost an hour. Your eyelids will become heavy. Your breathing relaxed. The post-run endorphins will be suppressed. You are now in serious danger. Of nodding off. Thankfully, I realised the imminent threat today at circa 29 minutes but you may not be so lucky. Don't say I didn't warn you and please, be careful. 
There are a few more lessons that I learned today but I don't want to put you off re-visiting my blog entries during the rest of Juneathon so I'll park them for another day (carrot dangling, keep them wanting more, etc!) But please be re-assured, not every blog entry will be as long as this. (Cue, sighs of relieve from readers!).

Juneathon Day 2 completed. Until tomorrow. Out. 


  1. I completely get the worrying about walking thing. I'm also trying to train myself out of always feeling like I have to speed up when I see another runner approaching. I think that urge comes from a similar place.


    1. In a phrase, 'Mind over matter'! Easier said than done, I know and something I will need to continue to work on. I wish us both good luck in mastering it!

  2. It's not just you matey, don't worry about that! Nowt wrong with giving yourself a verbal thrashing now and then. Nice early milage too, keep it up.
