Sunday 12 February 2012

Ice Ice Baby

Now I could be referring to many a different subject with a heading such as this……

The British love of talking about the weather; very on trend right now with the cold spell of weather across the country, particularly in the South where I can confirm it is freezing! The incessant referral on the news and social networks about the impending inches of snow that would greet us were a little unfounded as there was only as few centimetres (where I am) earlier this week and it soon disappeared with the rise in temperature – a balmy 0 degrees.  Positively tropical. It’s now just the ice to watch out for as the temperatures are set to reach as low as -12, brrrrr! By the way, is it just me who is a little bored of seeing images of everyone's iPhone weather forecasts/pictures of dashboards?!

Of course, I could be referring to the world famous mega smash hit tune by legendary singer that is Robert Van Winkle aka Vanilla Ice. Admittedly if my name was RvW then I would definitely consider a more catchy name to get into the charts. And donning some seriously offensive shell suit attire with some rather dangerous dance moves. C'mon, we've all tried them a la running man. Oh, just me then?......oh right..........

Alas, sadly the weather nor Vanilla Ice are the reason for the blog but the need for ICE (Ice, Compression, Elevation) when I returned from a very disappointing run on Friday lunchtime. I will use the term 'run' loosely here as it was more of a pathetic trot with a finale of a slow limp home. The shame of walking home all kitted out, looking the part yet limp-walking; a bit like Cinderella, all dressed up and nowhere to go! I suffered the same pains last year when training for the Virgin London Marathon (refer to previous blogs for the disappointing outcome) but thought I had seen the last of them. They are like shin splints but on the sides of my calves instead (calf splints?). Lots of searching on line through forums & Twitter and they sound like shin splints so I am treating them as such and taking the advice given. Although resting so close to a half marathon doesn't feel remotely good in anyway but I know that it will be worth it in the long run (sorry!). So, my beloved frozen peas are making an appearance every day for 10-15 minutes and ice baths after a jog/run are back on the menu too (fashion & beverage advice courtesy of Laraine Wyn-Jones - thanks!). 

So, even if the weather warms up a touch, it will still be fairly frosty in my world for the next few ice baby! 

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